Tuesday 17 January 2012

I love my Project Lead and nineteen other IT Jokes

1. I love my Project Lead. He/She cares for me and do not overburden me with loads of work.

2. Smoking is a bad Habit.

3. I love my Job. I am not interested in MS/MBA and would like to continue here.

4. My Project Lead is always busy. He/She spends nine hours working in a single day.

5. I can afford to drink expensive alcohol on my Big Fat salary.

6. I feel fitter than ever three years after joining this company.

7. I suffer from no Headache,Blood Pressure,Back Ache since I joined IT sector.

8. I am paid highest among all my friends. One who is a Pilot, The second who is an I-Banker and the last who is a Driver.

9. There are more beautiful girls found in my project than any other place on Earth. 

10. My teammates eulogize my presence of Mind.

11. I can afford to buy a Mercedes Benz within 5 years of my working life.

12. Vada Pav is my favorite food and I can kill anyone to have it. 

13. I don't terrorize my juniors with deadlines and do not harass them with warnings of Bad ratings.

14. Work is Worship.

15. My Client is very understanding and Intelligent.

16. I love my job @ Offshore and I am not interested in Onsite opportunities.

17. I am a software developer and do some Hardcore coding that would send even Mark Zuckerberg's head dwindling.

18. I sit for more than nine hours in my office.

19. Our group doesn't stare at girls and never fantasize about them.

20. I would like to continue in this industry and retire only from here.