Monday 7 November 2011

No Good No Evil : Merging Boundaries

The above picture is familiar to most of the  people who are ardent followers of Movies,Comics and Animated cartoons. The face of this Half burnt Half Glowing person is known by the name of Harvey Dent.A person who was an erstwhile District Attorney of a fictional city called Gotham.By now, the readers must have aptly put a face to this name. It maybe Aaron Eckhart for the current youth to Tommy Lee Jones for the earlier generation. But my point here is not about the person he was,but that of the person he became.

With each one of us lies the capability to make some decisions, A decision whose action decides the fate of it being branded as angelic or fiendish.We have always seen things from a biased lens of old sayings.If an action is concerned with the immediate benefit of the masses,it is eulogized even though it may have negative repercussions later and vice versa if the public is not appeased then the action is considered to be devilish in intent.

The world as we know today has no pure saints or pure devils.These are just the people of circumstances.We have been so accustomed to our self centered aspirations that the social good today holds no good connotation.The corporate social responsibility or any such related good have  become more a media gimmick than a human empathy.People are ready to part with their family that includes everyone right from their parents who have nurtured them for decades  to the children which are the symbols of their heritage.We do social good so as to quench our inner conscience but will not hesitate to harm the society .

The shades of grey today holds much more relevance to the people of today.Today no single person is completely Michael or Lucifer but a combination of both,choosing sides as per comfort and requirement.It is upto us to cleanse the evil within us or imbibe it completely to unleash havoc upon others.